The Last of Us Review

                                               A Journalistic Review by DefiantParrot
                                                   *Warning: Contains Spoilers*
(1) Plus I love Naughty Dog
Developer: Naughty Dog
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Platform: Playstation 3
Genre: Action-Adventure, Survival Horror
Release: June 14, 2013

                During the seventh generation of consoles, I was unfortunate enough to completely miss the PlayStation 3. While my Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii brought me many fond memories and I love many games from them. There were several Sony exclusives I missed out on, thankfully with this as my new… hobby? I have an excuse to go back and give some of these a shot. The topic of today’s discussion is probably the last great exclusive for the Playstation 3, The Last of Us.

I remember when this game was released, everyone was talking about it and it won many awards. This was a game many of my Sony friends pointed to when they wanted to prove Sony’s dominance over Microsoft. While I am no longer a mindless fanboy this is a game I’ve always wanted to try and with the announcement of The Last of Us Part II I feel the timing couldn’t be better. So here we go, these are my thoughts on The Last of Us.

The Last of Us is a survival horror action game set in a world that has been torn apart. Humanity has been infected with a disease that turns them into horrifying monsters and the military presence remaining is as much a threat as the very monsters they protect you from.

(2) I relate to this man so much
You play as Joel a man who has lost everything and has learned to do whatever he has to do to survive no matter the cost. The opening to this game is absolutely heartbreaking and as a father myself I wept. One day Joel finds himself having to protect a 14 year old girl named Ellie who may be the key to saving humanity. The story of The Last of Us depicts Joel and Ellie’s relationship as they both endure and grow in their dangerous and grueling journey.

First off I must say this game is absolutely gorgeous. I’d heard this game was beautiful but my jaw dropped a few times in this game and I asked aloud, “How did this run on the PS3?” Especially the Giraffes, this game is awesome on that alone.

The Last of Us pushes the Playstation 3 hardware like nothing I’ve seen before. The characters facial expressions say more than any dialogue could, the environments can be beautiful and also dreary and depressing.

The world of The Last of Us is a world of hardship and horror. Everybody has lost people they loved and everything in this game reminds you of the agonizing situation the world and everyone in it is in.

(3) Combat is frantic and desperate
The Last of Us is rated Mature for a reason, this is a very violent game in a way I haven’t really felt in a while. Everyone is brutal and vicious in this world due to necessity. With the world gone to hell everyone does what they have to in order to survive. And the combat in this game accentuates that with every punch. The sound of a fist slamming into your opponents jaw or beating their face in with a brick, my favorite part of this game is easily the melee combat. It feels so frantic and it feels like the characters are in absolute danger.
Staying hidden is a great way to get through these sections and the stealth works very well. However enemies are not stupid, the enemy AI in this game be it for human or monsters were always cunning and deadly. The Last of Us reminds you constantly that you are in danger and you are never safe.

All this praise goes to the gunplay as well save for a small complaint. To level up in this game you must find basically points to use to upgrade yourself and certain stats. One of those things you can upgrade is weapon sway and while I may just suck, the weapon sway Joel faces at the beginning of the game is absolutely nauseating. Joel’s gun was all over the place to where I could barely shoot anything. Now mind you I understand Joel’s a tired man and not a soldier in this game, but it was still frustrating until I upgraded it.

(4) Clickers are the most terrifying monster in this game
Crafting is also a big part of this game, Joel can craft several items from parts and scrap he can collect either making a medkit or attaching a blade to his melee weapon. The thing here is crafting and switching weapons is all done in real time. The game does not pause to let you make a shiv to get around that horrifying monster further promoting that feeling of danger.

Crafting tables can be found at certain times as well to create new holsters for guns or upgrade your firearms themselves, to make these upgrades you must explore your surroundings and search every nook and cranny to get what you need for these, so you are rewarded for exploring this dangerous world.

(5) There are several weapons to upgrade
Before I continue on to other aspects of this game I enjoy, I feel I must talk about my negatives first.

(6) I did not care for Listen Mode
First of all is Listen Mode. This reminded me a lot of Batman’s Detective Mode from the Arkham series. It allows Joel and later Ellie to listen closely and determine where enemies are located at. Now the game does give you the option to turn this off and I played without it, on normal mode for almost all of the game. I felt that it took away some of that nail-biting suspense and sense of danger that I loved about this game. However it is almost needed for a boss fight at one point in the game, and I can’t help but feel that it was included just to use in that boss fight. It’s a small complaint I’m aware but one I wanted to mention.

My second complaint which I will not defend, are the water sections. Yes copying games like Ocarina of Time, The Last of Us has several water sections in this game which are repetitive, boring, and only serve to break up the pace of the game for me. They usually involve the same thing, separating from Ellie, finding a conveniently placed pallet, bringing it back to Ellie since she can’t swim and maneuvering her to an area so she can activate something so you can both pass through.

(7) I hate these so damn much!
At one point upon approaching a new flooded area with Ellie she said aloud “Oh this thing again?” absolutely mirroring how I felt at that moment. These were too numerous and too frustrating to find any enjoyment from. God I hope she’s taken swimming lessons between this game and Part II.

Now as I’ve said several times Joel and Ellie travel together and Ellie will almost always be by your side, and while I initially groaned at this because escort missions are pretty much the pits. The Last of Us much like BioShock: Infinite breaks that trend by making Ellie actually useful. She never got in the way or got me killed for one. She always stayed hidden until it was time for shit to hit the fan and she always pulled her part. Shooting, and shanking enemies where she could or distracting and retreating when needed.

And the acting oh man the acting particularly, Troy Baker as Joel and definitely Ashley Johnson as Ellie.

Joel is a broken man, and Baker absolutely nails this performance. Every word Joel speaks is full of anger as well as pain. We’ve seen what Joel has lost so we understand his fury. However as I’ve said I’m a father myself and I absolutely fell in love with Ellie. Much like Baker, Johnson is absolutely phenomenal in her performance. Ellie is a kid who has never known a world of peace and has grown up knowing that any day could be her last. And yet she is still just a kid so you feel horrible at what she has to experience, and again much like Infinite I feel if the female protagonist in this case Ellie had failed, the entire game would have suffered. Thankfully Johnson is remarkable and Ellie is a character I absolutely adored.

And this is shown nowhere better than in Winter where you play as Ellie. In case you have somehow avoided hearing about this I’ll just say it is brilliant and moving, the best section of the game bar none.
(8) Winter is Coming

The Last of Us also has multiplayer as well. However much like the remake of Tomb Raider released earlier in 2013 I must ask why?

Now it’s definitely not bad, I’ve seen many people that love it.

Image result for last of us multiplayer
This is for taking the last donut!
You have the choice of playing as either the Hunters, basically thieves and murderous pricks or the Fireflies a group of hopeful individuals searching for a good future and you scavenge and kill each other across several maps.

The gameplay is much the same as single player and I played a few hours of it to see what it was about. And as I said it’s not bad, it works just fine. It’s functional and does what it is supposed to do and as I’ve said there are many who enjoy it. Personally I felt the multiplayer was an unnecessary addition and would have preferred the time put into the multiplayer taken and used to create a more substantial ending to the single player.

 I love the ending and the twisted decision that Joel makes, that I myself would make in a heartbeat. But a little more would’ve been nice. Far from a deal breaker I just wanted more.

(10) Yeah Fuck These Things
The biggest problem with multiplayer is the Online Pass still attached to it. Thankfully these went the way of the dinosaurs a while ago, but paying extra for multiplayer just because I didn’t purchase this game new is completely asinine.

So all in all is The Last of Us a ground breaking game? In some ways yes absolutely, is it perfect? No definitely not, great yes but not perfect. To me it is definitely a quintessential game for any Sony owner. It was remastered and rereleased on the PS4 in July of 2014 which included the DLC for the game Left Behind which I will be covering at a later date. This is a game I can definitely recommend to anyone looking for a deep story and good gameplay.
Image result for silver seal
For when you are my second favorite Naughty Dog game

The Last of Us receives my...Silver Seal of Recommendation.

References Pics:

1.  (1996-2017)

2. (2017)





7.   (2000-2017)


9.  (2017)

10.   (2017)

11.    (2015)


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