DefiantParrot's Top 12 Worst Games of 2020
Man fuck this year. 2020 has been easily the worst year of any year since the day I was born. Brighter days are hopefully ahead but I think I speak for everyone when I say that 2020 can go fuck itself and I cannot wait for this awful fucking year to be over.
The world of video games was no different we had some fucking shit games this year and here we're going to talk about how much I fucking hate them. Let's get this cumdumpster of a year over with my Top 12 WORST games of 2020.
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Number Twelve: Minecraft Dungeons |
Minecraft Dungeons just might be one of the most boring games I have ever played. This is like babys first dungeon crawler but even babies deserve better than this slog. What fascinates me here is how Minecraft was a game that rewarded creativity and imagination. What people are able to create in Minecraft can be jawdropping and impressive even though I never got into the game myself. Minecraft Dungeons has none of that creativity, none of that imagination hell this game doesn't even have a soul. It's fucking empty, boring and pathetic. Just like my Ex-Wife.
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Number Eleven: Mafia II: Definitive Edition |
There were three excellent remakes on my 12 games of the year list, so I had to make sure there was a shitty remake on this list and oh boy was Mafia II fucked beyond belief when it came out. I love the original Mafia II so I was looking forward to this definitive edition so imagine how heart broken nay heart shattered when I saw the pathetic display in front of me. The texture pop-in and framerate could be downright atrocious at times. The fucking game crashed on me 5 separate times when I tried to play it and the sound mixing is fucking awful. There is no excuse for this, no reason that this 'definitive edition' should be this way.
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Number Ten: WWE 2K Battlegrounds |
What the fuck is this? Don't get me wrong 2K20 was the gaming equivalent of herpes but what the hell is this goddamn thing? At least, at FUCKING LEAST 2K20 was entertaining in how piss awful it was but 2K20 is so much worse. There's nothing to laugh at here, nothing to enjoy. An extremely boring and simple fighting game with less than stellar gameplay Battlegrounds doesn't scratch that itch for a fun arcade style wrestling game. All it does it make me fucking itch. There's like three goddamn move-sets in the fucking game and this play-doh monstrosities barely resemble the goddamn wrestlers they're supposed to be! And don't get me started on the fucking Microtransactions!!! Just fuck this, let's move on this game fucking sucks.
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Number Nine: Hellpoint |
Man the Soulslike genre is starting to get oversaturated isn't it? I mean that seems to be a fucking record for how quickly this subgenre has gotten to the point its at. Hellpoint is so forgettable I damn near forgot I played the fucking thing. Like I'm trying to remember playing it and I'm struggling here, I think I'd have to play it again to really remember but the thought of doing that makes me reach to strangle myself. This game did the bare minimum, it's playable, there are enemies and there's a gola I believe. But at no point if there cohesion or fun involved in this unremarkable dumpster fire.
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Number Eight: Resident Evil: Resistance |
Oh I haven't forgotten about you, you piece of shit! Resistance is a shitty fucking multiplayer game that was bundled with every new copy of Resident Evil 3 Remake, This game is a fucking clusterfuck, a decent concept I admit but this game quickly devolved into a goddamn free for all. Survivors don't work together, The Mastermind spams what works instead of trying to utilize strategy or being unique, the loading times are atrocious and the servers to this game suck. But more importantly the RE3 remake was so short and had sections of the original game cut and thats probably because they were working on this piece of fucking shit instead. Just fucking stop with the Resident Evil Multiplayer games ok? They never fucking work. Man, Jill deserved better than having part of her game cut for this absolute failure.
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Number Seven: NBA 2K21 |
Y'know I'll stop kicking you NBA 2K when you stop fucking up? This is starting to become a goddamn tradition at this point. 2K20 was disgusting and egregious and 2K21 is even goddamn worse. Same Loot boxes but worse, same microtransactions but worse and even doing new garbage like shoveling in unskippable ads, FUCKIG ADS into this FULL PRICE VIDEO GAME. 2K is a fucking disgusting series and company and the company deserves to not be in business. This is not okay, this is fucking garbage and I will always say so. Even if I have to make sure there's a spot in this list every single year. SERIOUSLY FUCKING ADS?!
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Number Six: Predator: Hunting Grounds |
So here's a cum soaked disappointment. In a similar vein to games like Evolve this game pits a team of players up against The Predator and just like Evolve this game is a fucking failure. I feel like I've been saying this alot, but this game is fucking boring. It doesn't do enough to flesh out this concept and that makes me wonder why they even fucking bothered. This game screws up the concept even by making the humans more powerful than the fucking Predator and the controls for the Predator are fucking sluggish as hell and hunting for the humans is a goddamn chore, just everything this game tries to do it fails at, pathetically.
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Number Five: The Elder Scrolls: Blades |
I know this game technically came out last year, but that was on mobile and I don't review mobile games. So when this game came out on Switch I thought it may be worth a damn and NOPE! This game is fucking soulless. The nicest thing I can say about this game is that it functions but I never had fun with this garbage. For some reason this damn thing is also always online which defeats the fucking purpose of playing it on the go which is, y'know the selling point of the fucking Switch. God Bethesda, you fucking suck.
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Number Four: Marvel's Avengers |
The thing about Marvel's Avengers: Stunt Double Boogaloo is that there is a good game buried in here. The single player story is a decent one time playthrough but this shit is repetetive. Enemy variety is pitiful, the character models look laughable, the grind is fucking sad as hell and the GODDAMN MICROTRANSACTIONS SHOULD BE PUNISHABLE BY DEATH. There's a stupid fucking battle pass in this game which locks the cool outfits you can get for your characters behind it. The grind takes for fucking ever but if you want to customize y'know ALL the fucking characters they ALL have to be purchased because 60 fucking dollars isn't goddamn enough apparently. On top of that the laughably asinine decision to lock Spider-Man as a PS4 exclusive character it shows how fucking every decision this game made was the wrong fucking decision.
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Number Three: Cyberpunk 2077 |
You know why this game is on this list. From the lies about overworking its employees, to the unforgivable perfomance on Xbox One and PS4, to the bugs on current gen systems to even the PC version, the best version of this game deleting your save files, to giving its customers seizures, to being pulled from the Playstation Store, from the incompeteny management, from the refunds being offered by Sony and Microsoft, to the lawsuits, to the disappointment and anger and confusion that this game has caused. Cyberpunk 2077 deserves to be remembered as it is right now, it may get patched later and in six months the game may be fantastic but this moment, this embarassing and pitiful moment needs to be remembered. I will not forget CD Projekt Red and I will not forget.
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Number Two: Fast & Furious Crossroads |
What in the hell is this? A fucking laughingstock thats what. As in I was laughing like the Joker on even more crazy pills while I was playing it. The controls are abyssmal, the vehicles handle like ass, the characters look like fucking shit, the story seems to have been written by a goddamn three year old, except I feel like I'm insulting three year olds with that comparison. This looks like a fucking PS2 game but again that sounds like an insult to the PS2, this looks like a tech demo for a game that would be scrapped after six months of development. The developer has made other racing games in the past, were they sniffing fucking glue when they made this? Again that's an insult to people who sniff glue, oh for fuck's sake we're almost done, move on, MOVE ONE
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Number One: WarCraft III: Reforged |
WarCraft III: Reforged isn't a video game, it's evidence. Evidence that I would like to present and then rest my case. It's my final evidence for my closing arguement that Blizzard is a liar. It's a cheater. And I'd even go so far as to say I'm surprised that this is not a criminal fucking offense. WarCraft III Reforged was sold on a bed of lies covered in squirrel piss, Blizzard claimed that this remake would include everything that made the original great and new cutscenes to improve the story. This was a fucking lie as the cutscenes appeared in the game and many features from the original game are gone. Battle.Net chat system? Fucking Gone. Cross Region play in custom games? What idiot included that in the first place? Bin it. Custom Campaigns? Kill it with fire. Any custom maps or modes you may create? Blizzard made damn sure that they would legally own it and be able to profit on it. Effectively, in my opinion, becoming a goddamn thief. But the rotten cherry on this cake covered in weeks old cum is that this game is rancid, so putrid, so fucking awful that it even ruined the original game. This is so fucking bad it destroyed a completely different game. Congratulations Blizzard you are the fucking worst, you sons a bitches.
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